How Can YOU Help?
Interested in helping the animal community? Find out how below!
Help Your local organizations
Using a useful source: the internet. You can easily find any animal welfare organizations in your area you can volunteer, donate to, and more, in order to make the animal community around you a safer place.
Contribute to our project
Contribute to our photography collection (see ‘Our Instagram’ for more information) to help eliminate fear of animals by sending us a picture of your animal with or without yourself with a message full of love via email.
Talk to people
Educating is the most important and efficient way to raise awareness and prevent abusive or dangerous behaviour. Even if it’s just a short conversation, telling people about the topic will slowly but surely make a change.
Start your own project
It can be as simple as an Instagram account or a website, or something in your school or community. Get involved and raise awareness to help animals all over the world.
Report Abuse
Have you seen an animal being abused or mistreated in any way? Report it straight away! Find out which organization you can contact and make sure you explain the situation in full detail. You could also see our article about the MEAF or our blog post about Amanda’s Animal Rescue UAE to understand what to do in these situations.